Maryrunsasmorefastasme. ( ) A B C D

Maryrunsasmorefastasme. ( ) A B C D

【题目】Maryrunsasmorefastasme. (______) ____ A B C D【答案】C fast 【解析】句意:玛丽跑得和我一样快。as…as中间加形容词或副词原级,选项改为fast,故答案为C;fast。...

Bobbywashappy,becausehe hisnewkite.

Bobbywashappy,becausehe hisnewkite.

【题目】Bobbywashappy,becausehe ____ (find) hisnewkite.【答案】found【解析】Bobby很高兴,因为他找到了他的自行车。根据前一句的时态可知该句也是一般过去时态,find的过...

Billyisbusy acakeinthekitchen.

Billyisbusy acakeinthekitchen.

【题目】Billyisbusy ____ (make)acakeinthekitchen.【答案】making【解析】句意:Billy正在厨房忙着做蛋糕。be busy doing sth忙着做某事,故动词用动名词形式makig,故答案为ma...

The likecyclingverymuch.

The likecyclingverymuch.

【题目】The ____ (sport-love)likecyclingverymuch.【答案】sport-lovers【解析】句意:那个体育爱好者非常喜欢骑行。该空做主语,故用表示人的名词sport-lover,根据动词like可...

Therearemanyinteresting intheworld.

Therearemanyinteresting intheworld.

【题目】Therearemanyinteresting ____ (country)intheworld.【答案】countries【解析】句意:世界上有很多有趣的国家。前面有many限定,故名词用复数形式countries,故答案为cou...

a, have, you, good, did, time (?)

a, have, you, good, did, time (?)

【题目】a, have, you, good, did, time (?)___________________________________________________________【答案】Did you have a good time?【解析】a一个,have有,you你,goo...

Thesong great.

Thesong great.

【题目】Thesong ____ (sound)great.【答案】sounds【解析】句意:这首歌听起来很好。该句是一般疑问句,主语是三单,故动词也用单数第三人称形式sounds,故答案为sounds。...

go, school, I, by, bus, to (.)

go, school, I, by, bus, to (.)

【题目】go, school, I, by, bus, to (.)____________________________________________________________【答案】I go to school by bus.【解析】go to school去上学,I我,by...

you, what, wrong, is, with (?)

you, what, wrong, is, with (?)

【题目】you, what, wrong, is, with (?) ____________________________________________________________【答案】What is wrong with you?【解析】What is wrong with……...

books, they, reading, are (.)

books, they, reading, are (.)

【题目】books, they, reading, are (.) ____________________【答案】They are reading books.【解析】books书,they他们,are reading正在看,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈...

is, the, what, weather, today, like (?)

is, the, what, weather, today, like (?)

【题目】is, the, what, weather, today, like (?) ____________________【答案】What is the weather like today?【解析】What is the weather like天气怎么样,today今天,根...

last, went, Beijing, I, to, Sunday (.)

last, went, Beijing, I, to, Sunday (.)

【题目】last, went, Beijing, I, to, Sunday (.) ____________________________________________________________【答案】I went to Beijing last Sunday.【解析】last上...

is, what, shirt, the, colour (?)

is, what, shirt, the, colour (?)

【题目】is, what, shirt, the, colour (?) ______________________________【答案】What colour is the shirt?【解析】is是,what什么,shirt衬衫,the定冠词,colour颜色根据所给...

It takes me five to get there by bike.

It takes me five to get there by bike.

【题目】It takes me five______________ (minute) to get there by bike.【答案】minutes【解析】句意:骑自行车去那里花了我5分钟。数量five+可数名词复数,故答案为minutes...