- he very well? -Yes, he does.

- he very well? -Yes, he does.

【题目】—________ he ________ (study) very well? —Yes, he does.【答案】Does study 【解析】句意:—他学习很好吗?—是的,他是。根据答语是肯定回答,主语+助动词does,是一...

Can he your bike?

Can he your bike?

【题目】Can he ________ (borrow) your bike?【答案】borrow【解析】句意:他能借你的自行车吗?情态动词can能,后面接动词原形,borrow借。故答案为borrow。...

Thanks for me the box?

Thanks for me the box?

【题目】Thanks for ________ (help) me ________ (carry) the box?【答案】helping carry 【解析】句意:谢谢你帮我拿这个箱子。Thanks for doing sth.感谢做某事。help帮助...

sport, is, interesting, an, football, (.)

sport, is, interesting, an, football, (.)

【题目】sport, is, interesting, an, football, (.)_____________________________________________【答案】Football is an interesting sport.【解析】sport运动,is是,inte...

He (notgo) toBeijingtomorrow

He (notgo) toBeijingtomorrow

【题目】He ____ (notgo) toBeijingtomorrow【答案】won’tgo【解析】句意:明天他不去北京。根据时间tomorrow可知该句是一般将来时态的否定式will not do结构,故答案为won't...



【题目】____ (watch)toomuchTVisbadforoureyes.【答案】Watching【解析】句意:电视看太多对我们的眼镜有害。该空做本句的主语,故用动名词形式watching,故答案为Watchig。...

MikeandAnnarefromdifferent .

MikeandAnnarefromdifferent .

【题目】MikeandAnnarefromdifferent ____ (city).【答案】cities【解析】句意:迈克和安来自不同的城市。Different+可数名词复数,city复数是cities,故答案为cities。...

Please speak . I can't hear you.

Please speak . I can't hear you.

【题目】Please speak ____ (loud). I can't hear you.【答案】loudly【解析】句意:请大声说。我听不到你说话。该空修饰实意动词speak,用副词形式loudly,故答案为loudly。...

He often on his uncle 's farm at weekends.

He often on his uncle 's farm at weekends.

【题目】He often ____ (stay) on his uncle 's farm at weekends.【答案】stays【解析】句意:他经常周末待在他叔叔的农场里。句子是一般现在时,主语是三单,故答案为stays。...