Look! The boy is in the lake.

Look! The boy is in the lake.

【题目】Look! The boy is _____________ (swim) in the lake.【答案】swimming【解析】句意:看,这个男孩在湖里____。看到正在进行的动作,用现在进行时态,谓语动词be doing的形...

There (be) many beautiful flowers in summer.

There (be) many beautiful flowers in summer.

【题目】There _____________ (be) many beautiful flowers in summer.【答案】are【解析】题干句意:夏天有许多美丽的花。题意陈述的是客观存在的事实,要用一般现在时,句子为T...

 a bike is exercise.

a bike is exercise.

【题目】(Ride) _____________ a bike is exercise.【答案】Riding【解析】题干句意:骑自行车是一种锻炼。非谓语动词作主语,可用动名词或不定式,ride a bike和exercise是主动...



【题目】我是一个新学生。(中译英)__________________________________________________【答案】I am a new student.【解析】题干可知句子是一般现在时,我翻译为I;是翻译为am...

There (be) a postcard and three letters here.

There (be) a postcard and three letters here.

【题目】There ________ (be) a postcard and three letters here.【答案】is【解析】句意:这里有一张明信片和三封信。这是there be句型,用就近原则,一张是单数,所以是is,故答案...

What she (do) now?

What she (do) now?

【题目】What ________ she ________ (do) now?【答案】is doing
【解析】句意:她现在在做什么?now是现在进行时,所以是be doing,主语是三单,所以是is doing,故答案为is;doing。...

We have six seats in the hall.

We have six seats in the hall.

【题目】We have six ________ (thousand) seats in the hall.【答案】thousand【解析】句意:我们礼堂里有6千个座位。表示数量的时候,单位不需要加s,故答案为thousand。...

 (run) is good for us.

(run) is good for us.

【题目】________ (run) is good for us.【答案】Running【解析】句意:跑步对我们有好处。run是动词,动名词可以做主语,故答案为Running。...

Would you like tea? ( )A.someB.anyC./

Would you like tea? ( )A.someB.anyC./

【题目】Would you like __________ tea? ( )A.someB.anyC./【答案】A【解析】题干句意:你想喝点茶吗?some和any都表示一些,some用于肯定句中,any用于否定句和疑问句中;但是当期...

Did you the pipa yesterday evening?

Did you the pipa yesterday evening?

【题目】Did you ________ (play / played) the pipa yesterday evening?【答案】play【解析】句意:昨天晚上你弹琵琶了吗?时间是昨天晚上,此句为一般过去时的一般疑问句,应该借...

You can read my book. (变成一般疑问句)

You can read my book. (变成一般疑问句)

【题目】You can read my book. (变成一般疑问句)__________________________________【答案】Can I read your book?【解析】原句句意:你可以读我的书。改为一般疑问句,因为...

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