Kitty is six years old. ( )A.toB.forC.about

Kitty is six years old. ( )A.toB.forC.about

【题目】Kitty is ________ six years old. (  )A.toB.forC.about【答案】C【解析】句意:Kitty大概6岁。考察介词,A.to表示方向, B.for为了,C.about大概,所以C符合句意,故选C。...

He five years old in the photo. ( )A.isB.wasC.were

He five years old in the photo. ( )A.isB.wasC.were

【题目】He ________ five years old in the photo. (  )A.isB.wasC.were【答案】B【解析】句意:照片中他五岁。分析可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式,排除A;he是第三人...

I have fun my friends. ( )A.withB.andC.for

I have fun my friends. ( )A.withB.andC.for

【题目】I have fun __________ my friends. ( )A.withB.andC.for【答案】A【解析】题干句意:我和朋友们玩得很开心。A. with和……在一起;B. and和,表并列关系;C. for为,表对象...

We yelled Bob’s team. ( )

We yelled Bob’s team. ( )

【题目】We yelled __________ Bob’s team. ( )【答案】A【解析】题干句意:我们为鲍勃的队伍呐喊。A. for为,表对象。B. of……的,表所属关系。C. to向,表方向。y...

Let’s (go) to Huangshang.

Let’s (go) to Huangshang.

【题目】Let’s ________ (go) to Huangshang.【答案】go【解析】句意:让我们去黄山吧。let后接动词原形,故答案为go。...

Lunn likes new shoes.

Lunn likes new shoes.

【题目】Lunn likes _____________ (that) new shoes.【答案】those【解析】句意:Lunn喜欢这些新鞋。鞋为名词复数,故指示代词应该用those。故答案为those。...

Kim always (do) her homework after school.

Kim always (do) her homework after school.

【题目】Kim always _____________ (do) her homework after school.【答案】does【解析】句意:Kim总是在放学后做作业。做作业do one's homework,Kim是单三人称,动词应该用单...

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