
高中英语 2024-07-28 06:45:54








4.参考词汇:灌溉irrigate 冲洗flush








As we know, water is very useful and important in our daily life.Without water, all living things can’t exist.Water can be used to make electricity and irrigate farmland.Plenty of water is also needed in industry and transportation.So we must save every drop of water.I think there are many measures we can take to save water.For example, we can use the water with which we have washed clothes and vegetables to flush toilets.We can try our best to wash clothes by hand instead of washing machine, for using a washing machine means wasting 3 times as much water as by hand.While washing clothes, faces and brushing teeth, we mustn’t have the water running all the time.



【亮点说明】本文句式丰富多样,使文章衔接自然,如As we know,以as引导的非限制性定于从句开头,使读者眼前一亮,尽显作文功底,Without water,without引导的虚拟从句;we can use the water with which we have washed clothes and vegetables to flush toilets,with+which引导的限制性定语从句,最后While washing clothes,while引导的省略句结尾,间接利落,毫不拖泥带水。还有使用了大量的词组,如As we know,众所周知;be used to do sth 被用来做某事;Plenty of 大量;every drop of water 每一滴水;take measures to do sth 采取措施做某事; washed clothes 洗衣服; flush toilets 冲洗厕所; try one’s best to do sth 尽最大努力做某事;instead of 代替;brush teeth 刷牙,以及使用了逻辑连接词So,使前后句子语义通顺,且使用for引导的原因状语从句,使得整个文章长短句运用自然。