如今.我们身边不乏“低头族 .他们在与朋友聚会.家人团聚或乘坐交通工具时.常常低头忙于浏览手机.请简要描述此现象.并发表你的看法.提示词:低头族phubbing注意:1.词数100左右,2.可适当增加

高中英语 2024-07-28 06:45:48








The phenomenon that people are always phubbing is becoming more and more popular. Some people only stare at the screens of their phones, ignoring the people around them no matter when they take a bus, hold a party or even get together with their families. Worse still, they will not miss the chance of surfing the Internet or playing the games when they cross the road, which is likely to cause serious accidents and threaten their lives.

It is high time that we threw away the phone and raised our heads up. Do cherish the ones around us and appreciate the splendid scenery ahead of us.



【亮点说明】第一段首先介绍了“低头族”这一现象的普遍性。然后列举了这一行为的危害,比如说容易引起交通事故威胁生命健康。用到了worse still 这种插入语,使文章更加生动。最后一段呼吁大家不要做“低头族”,用到了句型it is high time that...是时候该做某事了。最后一句把动词do提前,表示强调。整篇文章语言言简意赅,感情真挚,所有要点都没有遗漏。文章连贯通顺。