根据以下所给的信息.介绍苹果公司的最新产品苹果智能手表.产品名称:苹果牌智能手表外形特点:它被视为戴在手腕上的小型计算机, 采用了蓝宝石屏幕与Force Touch触摸技术.有银色.金色.红色和白色等

高中英语 2024-07-28 06:45:44



外形特点:它被视为戴在手腕上的小型计算机, 采用了蓝宝石屏幕与Force Touch触摸技术,有银色、金色、红色和白色等多种颜色供选择。




参考词汇:蓝宝石屏幕 Sapphire screen 预定 pre-order 导航navigation services










Apple Watch, a newly launched product by the Apple Company, is a wrist-top micro-computer with a Sapphire display integrating Force Touch technology, and a range of colours from silver, golden, red to white for customers to choose from. At the touch of the screen, not only would you be able to send e-mails or messages, but also pay for online goods and enjoy the navigation services. In addition, this gadget (small device) can monitor the customer’s health and fitness. If you want to make the best of Apple Watch applications, you are recommended to own an iPhone. You can place an order for Apple Watch on April 10, which is expected to be put on the market in the United States and eight other countries on April 24, with prices between $349 and $10000.



亮点说明:本文内容充实,把题目框给出的信息全部包含进去了,且严格按照了题目要求,用 5句话表达了全部内容。本文使用了大量的长句,如使用到了with的伴随状语…,with prices between $349 and $10000.以及非限性定语从句…Apple Watch on April 10, which is expected to be …,同时还有本文第一句话等,这些是文章的一大亮点,是阅卷老师加分的重要标准,充分体现了作者扎实的英语基本功以及学以致用的能力;本文还使用了一些短语,如not only…but also…/in addition等,为文章增添了不少光彩。