好的心情可以使我们感到愉快.幸福.但是怎样才能保持一个好的心情呢?请你根据以下提示.以 How to keep a good mood 为题用英语写一篇短文:1. 保持健康, 2. 好好休息,3. 回

高中英语 2024-07-28 06:45:42

【题目】好的心情可以使我们感到愉快、幸福。但是怎样才能保持一个好的心情呢?请你根据以下提示,以 How to keep a good mood 为题用英语写一篇短文:

1. 保持健康; 2. 好好休息;3. 回忆过去令自己高兴的事情;


注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:好的方面 the positive aspect



How to keep a good mood

A good mood makes us comfortable and happy. However, it’s not easy to keep a good mood especially when we’re faced with troubles. Then, how can we keep a good mood?

To begin with, we should keep healthy. It’s known to us that a weak body always has a negative effect on our mood. Secondly, it’s a essential to have a good rest. Rest plays a very important role in maintaining our mental health. Thirdly, it’s beneficial to recall those which make us happy. Memories of those things contribute to a good mood. Lastly, think the positive aspect of everything; don’t live life full of worries. By doing these, we can keep a good mood.


试题分析:本文的主题是How to keep a good mood,本文贴近自己的生活,比较有话说。对于此类文章,要注意一下几点:1、首先,要根据题干中提到的保持健康; 好好休息;回忆过去令自己高兴的事情;多考虑事情的积极方面这四个因素来写;2、其次,论述你的观点,适时使用一些连接词来使文章更加通顺;3、最后,要注意点出文章的主题,文章的主题要与所写内容有关;4、注意单词、词组、句式的运用来给文章增色。

【亮点说明】在对于诸如此类文章的写作,要善于使用不同的句型。英语的写作过程中切忌使用重复的表达,对于不会表达的意思要学会替换。文章按照时间顺序来写,使用了However,Then,To begin with,Secondly,Thirdly,Lastly这样的词来连接文章。学生在写作时也要注意用平时在课本中或是阅读中积累的单词句型来自如的表达自己的意思,本文运用了faced with,essential,plays a very important role,recall,contribute to等短语。本文也有很多句型值得学习,如It’s known to us that a weak body always has a negative effect on our mood.运用了形式主语,it’s beneficial to recall those which make us happy.运用了形式主语和定语从句。