Before India gained its freedom.many Westerners were extremely shocked by its poverty and so they ca

高中英语 2024-07-28 06:45:40

【题目】Before India gained its freedom,many Westerners were extremely shocked by its poverty and so they came to serve here.A special girl 【1】 (call)Agnes Goxa Bojaxiu was among them, who is today 【2】 (know)as Mother Teresa.

Agnes was born on August27,1910 and was just 19 years old 【3】she came to Calcutta on January 6,1929.And she never left this country.Her aim in life was 【4】 (serve)the sick and the poor and she dedicated her full life to this purpose.She would walk around the 【5】 (danger),dark and dirty streets of Calcutta at night, 【6】 (offer)food to the sick and shelter to the poor.When she first arrived in Calcutta, she had little money on her and was helped by a priest.

Through her efforts she managed to open several institutions 【7】 (help)the mentally and physically challenged children.She had a thousand institutions working under her.Mother Teresa was awarded 【8】 Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 and the Bharat Ratna in 1980. 【9】these she also received the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Peace(1972),the Templeton Foundation Award(1973).

Despite all the public praise,national and international. 【10】 (honour),Mother Teresa remained humble.kind and generous till the end.She passed away in September 1997.






【4】to serve



【7】to help





试题分析:本文讲述的是印度在独立自由之前非常贫穷,很多西方国家的人都向印度伸出了援助之手,本文讲的就是其中一位女孩Agnes Goxa Bojaxiu 的故事。

【1】考查动词被动的用法。小女孩被叫做Agnes Goxa Bojaxiu,所以要用过去分词表被动,故填called


【3】考查连词的使用。When 当……的时候;题意:当她1929年来加尔各答是她只有19岁,故填when

【4】考查动词不定式。前面的aim是“目的”的意思,所以这里用动词不定式表目的, 故填to serve

【5】考查形容词;这里与后面的dark, dirty 相对应,所以也要用形容词,故填dangerous


【7】考查非谓语动词。这里还是要用动词不定式表目的,故填to help


【9】考查介词的使用。Besides 除……之外,除了获得了诺贝尔文学奖她还获得了别的奖项,故填besides

【10】考查名词的使用。honour 的用法有(1)表示荣誉;名誉,信誉;贞操;敬意时 不可数(2)表示礼仪;(大学的)优等成绩;勋章 可数且只有复数形式(3)表示光荣的事或人时 可数,故填honours