在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式.[1]To my ,he has finished his work on time.[2]Our company that we wouldn’t offer an

高中英语 2024-07-28 06:45:30


【1】To my_____________(satisfy),he has finished his work on time.

【2】Our company___________(declaration)that we wouldn’t offer any help to your company.

【3】You’d better___________(disobey) all the rules in our school if you don’t want to ask for trouble.

【4】A lower GDP target may in fact be__________( benefit) to the development of China.

【5】There must be something wrong with my __________( hear) . Can you repeat what you said?

【6】He failed in the exam because of his__________( absent) from school.

【7】Do you know the woman with a physical____________(disable )?

【8】He returns to his home from abroad_______________(annual ).

【9】We had better turn the bicycle lights off to_____________( conservation) the batteries.

【10】The police have appealed for______________( witness) to the accident.

【11】The teacher_________( urge) on her students the importance of hard work.

【12】The children learned about the__________( relate) between the moon and the tides.

【13】Coal is mined at a ______________(deep) of 1,000m here .

【14】All of us were ______________(alarm) at hearing of his sudden death .

【15】Strorg winds ______________(accompany ) by heavy rain made it hard for them to advance.



















【1】satisfaction 考查名词。To one’s satisfaction 使某人满意的是。

【2】declared 考查动词。句意:我们公司宣布不会向你们公司提供帮助。已经发生的动作用过去时。

【3】obey 考查动词。句意:如果你不想惹麻烦的话,最好遵守学校的规定。

【4】beneficial 考查形容词。Be beneficial to 对……有益。

【5】hearing 考查名词。句意:我的听力有问题,你能再说一遍吗?

【6】absence 考查名词。句意:因为缺席而不能通过考试。

【7】disability 考查名词。 句意:你知道那个有身体残疾的女士吗?

【8】annually 考查副词。句意:他每年都会从国外回家。

【9】conserve 考查动词。句意:你最好把自行车灯关掉为的是保护好电池。

【10】witnesses 考查名词。句意:警察寻找事件的目击者。复数形式加es.

【11】urged 考查动词。句意:老师让他的学生意识到努力工作的重要性。

【12】relationship 考查名词。句意:学生们了解到月亮与潮汐的关系。

【13】depth 考查名词。句意:煤被埋在1000米地下。

【14】alarmed 考查动词。句意:所有的人对于他突然死亡的突然很惊恐。

【15】accompanied 考查动词。句意:伴有大雨的强风让他们前行变得更加困难。