根据对话内容.从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.R:Let's get something to eat. I'm hungry.L: [1] I

高中英语 2024-07-28 06:45:24


R:Let's get something to eat. I'm hungry.

L:__【1】__Is there a place nearby where we can get something to eat?

R:There's a McDonald not far ahead. It's the nearest eating place around here.

L:McDonald? Is that one of the chain restaurants?

R:Don't you know about McDonald? They sell hamburgers-that great American fast food.

L:I've heard about hamburgers,__【2】__.

R:You've never had a hamburger? Then you've got to try one.

(They enter the McDonald's restaurant and go up to the counter.)

R:(To L)__ 【3】__

L:I don't really know. It's all strange to me. You go ahead and order. I'll have whatever you have.

R:OK. (To the waiter) Two Big Macs and two side orders of French fries. (To L) I prefer a Coke.


L:Coffee, please. In fact, I prefer milk, but I'm not used to drinking it cold.

R:(To the waiter)__ 【5】__(To L) Let's find some seats.

A.A Coke and a coffee, please.

B.So do I.

C.What will you have?

D.Me, too.

E.A Coke and a milk, please.

F.What will you have to drink-coffee, Coke, or milk?

G.but do you know I've never had one?






